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Campus History

Prior to the opening of Edgemont Junior-Senior High School in 1955, the district only served students in grades K-10. Eleventh and twelfth grade students completed their schooling at either Bronxville or Scarsdale High School. The Junior-Senior High School was constructed in 1955 on seventy-five acres of land acquired by purchase and gifts during the previous two decades. The original campus included six buildings arranged in a "California Campus" configuration around a central quad. Since then, the physical plant has been expanded four times to include additional classrooms ("D" and "E" buildings, A-building expansion), a library/LGI, and an additional gymnasium. The first two photos are courtesy of Carol Simpson (Class of 1966), and the remainder of the photos are courtesy of Dylan Pyne (Class of 2008).

Edgemont Junior-Senior High School, circa 1955: